My Specific Meditation Routine & How To Get Started
One of the things you guys ask me about the most is MEDITATION.
And I totally get it. When you’re new to meditating it can seem a bit daunting, elusive, and just like WTF do I do? I used to feel the exact same way. In fact, if you told me a few years ago that I would be spending about 30 minutes meditating every morning (and sometimes at night too) I’d say you were batshit crazy.
After Melissa Wood came on the podcast, she inspired me to start meditating. I was very resistant but she told me to just try it. Since I always like to be a guinea pig for you guys, I figured I’d do it for 70 days straight, and if it works- fab, I can inspire others to do it too. And if it doesn’t work- oh well, at least I tried it. I found it VERY hard at first. Like, 5 minutes felt like forever, but after 70 days, 30 minutes felt like 2 seconds. It’s wild.
Anyway, if there is anything that has significantly changed my life, it’s meditation.
Here are some of your burning hot FAQ I get in my DMs all the time:
♡ What meditation do you do?
♡ What are you using to meditate???
♡ What’s the meditation routine? Like which ones?
♡ Do you follow a specific meditation style?
♡ What does meditation look like for you? Is it guided, do you play music or sit in silence with a timer?
♡ Do you use an app? How do you start?
♡ What do you do? I have no clue where to start?
♡ Any apps you recommend?
So in this post I’m going to fill you in on all the specifics, exactly what I do & the benefits I’ve noticed.
My Specific Meditation Routine & How To Get Started:
♡ First, find a quiet place.
This can be anywhere. Preferably I like to go outside, but anywhere in the house will do. Sometimes I just do it bed as soon as I wake up or even in our infrared sauna.
♡ Next, choose your meditation.
You should do your own research when it comes to meditation. Do what works for you, not necessarily what works for me. Find something that speaks to you then give it a go. There are walking meditation, yoga meditations, legs up the wall meditations, etc. Do some exploring. Here are the ones that I love:
+ Joe Dispenza: This one is my all time favorite meditation. It’s all about visualizing your future. It works for me because I’m a big planner. It’s like a strategy session for your business, family & life. It’s a time where I gain clarity & map out my life. Swear to god you guys, I have visualized things that came true. Of course there is a lot more that goes into these things than just doing this meditation, but I have no doubt that it’s helped.
+ Melissa Wood Health: Melissa’s meditations are perfect. Her voice, her energy, her sound bowls – it just works. The best part about Melissa’s meditations are that you can choose 5, 10 or 20 minute ones. She has so many to choose from, and while we’re at it, her Pilates & yoga flows are so good too. Whether you’re beginner, advanced, pregnant or post-partum she has such a big catalog of videos, so no matter if you’re short on time or want to sweat or stretch, she has something for you.
+ Mimi Bouchard: My friend Mimi (who has been on the podcast and the blog) is the founder of the Superhuman app. I love her legs up meditation. It drains the ankles and feel so good, especially after a long day on your feet. It’s just amazing.
♡ The Benefits of Meditation:
They are life changing. It’s so fucking cliche, but it’s true. The main thing is that meditation has improved my life, to put it simply. Some noticeable things for me are:
+ have more clarity
+ feel calmer
+ less reactive, more proactive
+ Townes seems very calm, maybe it’s because I meditated every day of pregnancy
It’s one of those things that you just need to try, but give it a good chance. Put it this way, nothing negative will happen from just getting started. If sitting in silence sounds like a nightmare to you (LOL, I get it), then try habit-stacking. I do it all the time and it might help ease you into it.
Habit-stacking for me means putting on a sheet mask, putting my legs up the wall, using toe stretchers, a crystal eye mask, maybe some CBD from Pellequr, and I’ll even do it on my PEMF mat. More on that here, but if you’re interested I use HealthyLine and love it (use code THESKINNY10GIFT for free shipping, 10% off and a fun gift).
Another thing I highly recommend are some noise-canceling headphones. Whether you’re inside or outside, walking or sitting still, there are noises. Noises = rise in cortisol. You got the dogs, the kids, the husband, the coffee machine, the lawnmower, you get it. These are my favorite and they really do the trick.
So my answer to ‘How do I get started?’ is to just start. Like I said, find something that speaks to you and just do it. It honestly used to be so hard, but now I crave it and it’s a staple & non-negotiable part of my day.
What are your favorite meditation & how did you get started? Were you resistant? Let me know below.
x, lauryn
+ find out why I love sound bowls here.
++ check out how to set up a meditation space at home.
The post My Specific Meditation Routine & How To Get Started appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.