BrandKeep Aims to Change How Retailers Stay Organized

BrandKeep Aims to Change How Retailers Stay Organized

BrandKeep Aims to Change How Retailers Stay Organized

In our most recent retailer’s challenge report at Envoy B2B, we asked shop owners how they manage and organize all the brand assets they receive. Sixty percent of them said they used web browsers links. A few respondents said they use a combination of email, spreadsheets peppered with links, and folders on their computers. Over 20 percent said they don’t have an organizational method at all.

We were shocked. But also, we get it. Running a store is hard work, and there isn’t a lot of time to sit in front of a computer and organize the flow of assets from countless brands. We know retailers are working with a huge number of brands—sometimes upwards of 100. That makes for a seemingly endless flow of marketing assets, educational materials, order forms, line sheets, workbooks, and more.

Wouldn’t it be nice if someone organized all that stuff for you?

Luckily, we’re ready with a solution. Envoy B2B is excited to announce the upcoming launch of BrandKeep, a new way for retailers to stay on top of everything they need to run their businesses well.

Introducing BrandKeep

BrandKeep is where retailers organize. We created it specifically to help retail owners and buyers manage all their vendor assets, so that the heart of their work—running a store—is easy and efficient. It’s built to seamlessly collect information from multiple locations and put those essentials into a retail-centric format that empowers your entire team. Retailers can use BrandKeep to store workbooks, contacts, important links, order forms, invoices, terms, and more in one central workspace.

Store owners can also use BrandKeep to collaboratively visualize their business, get their whole team on the same page, and ensure all brands assets are easily accessible. Buyers will be able to rest easy knowing all their materials, notes, and deadlines are in a uniform, standard format so they can focus on growing their existing brand relationships and minimize the work it takes to bring on new ones.

But it’s more than just a place to get organized. BrandKeep also includes tools for task management; collects assets from Dropbox, Google Drive, or emails; offers one terabyte of file storage; and has extensive search capabilities. We built this platform with real-world feedback and input from retailers just like you, so you can be sure its features are field-tested and effective.

“Everything we do revolves around ensuring specialty retail owners and buyers have a place to succeed,” says Jon Faber, founder and CEO of Envoy B2B. “We designed BrandKeep as a way to solve the very real challenge of staying organized, and built it based on input from real retailers. From achieving operational bliss, to fostering collaborative partnerships, to creating a space for exceptional experiences, retailers can trust that our goal with BrandKeep is to offer a solution that propels their team forward. Everybody wants to have fun running a successful store and building community. We’re providing a system to take the burden off your plate and make it easy.”

Coming Soon

BrandKeep’s launch window is targeted for the end of this summer. We invite all specialty retail owners and buyers to dive into the platform, get organized, and start boosting their productivity for free. Sign up and be the first to know when BrandKeep is available to you.

The post BrandKeep Aims to Change How Retailers Stay Organized appeared first on Outside Online.

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